Hi from Czech Republic!

I'm 17 years old student from Czech Republic and I am so excited by whole this project. I think it's amazing! I have read about it from Gabriela Gunčíková on her facebook page, but I had never played one video. But then my friend said me about this and I am really surprised how good this course is! I can believe it. I think I have improved my singigng just by couple of traning! Thank you!
I'm thinking about buying a course, so i hope I will get the moeny for it, becouse I think it's great too!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited November 2015
    Thank you, Lucy, for telling us how excited you are about Gabriela. We share your excitement, and we're glad to hear from her fans in the Czech Republic! Gabriela has really grown and improved her voice, and she has certainly worked hard to get to where she is today.

    It's great that you are getting good information about your voice, and that you are considering becoming a KTVA student, as well.

    Good Singing to You!

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