Do what Ken Tamplin tells you to do and your voice will blow others out of the Water.

i have been doing the program for about 2 years now but with in the last year i have been putting 110% into singing and doing the work outs. i am in a band called Killing Rapunzel and the growth in my voice is just crazy!! not trying to be full of myself but i went form not being able to sing to singing night after night having control and CONSISTENCY in my voice. Check me and my band out at we are about to release our debut album in the next couple of mouths.
P.S. my voice has gotten much stronger, higher, and controllable seen the recordings where last recorded on the web site.
P.S. my voice has gotten much stronger, higher, and controllable seen the recordings where last recorded on the web site.
Wishing you best of luck with the new release
If you're ready to work and practice and do what Ken says, it is SO worth it. There are a lot of courses out there, and I've bought most of them and been disappointed. This one works and works well, if you do your part.
All the Best!
Great moderators who really help us with absolutelly every single aspect of singing.
I'm so happy I found this.