Hello from Greece :)

My name is Nick i am from Greece and I just bought the KTVA pro bundle download version. I just wanted to say a hello to the people of this forum. I am totally unrelated with singing. I am guitar player and my goal is learn to sing my songs, and the ideas that i have in my head.I am 37 years old (i hope this is not a problem for me to learn singing) !!! I love music and makes me feel great when composing and make songs with daw softwares.(i think the most of guitar players have an incredibly long hours in front of a monitor with a daw software !!!). I dont know anything about breaths, lips, excersises, head singing, etc....the only thing i know is how to make my wife say "my ears are in pain", when i try to sing !!!
Thank you all for the welcoming and i hope the KTVA method will help me. Sorry for my bad English btw.

Thank you all for the welcoming and i hope the KTVA method will help me. Sorry for my bad English btw.

It's great that you have decided to learn to sing! 37 years old is a great age to get started. The most important thing is that you have made a decision to begin the singing part of your life! The longer you work Ken's program, the more your voice will grow.
We will try to help your wife to not have pain in her ears anymore!
Good Singing to You!
Thanks for your time. I hope i am not bothering you.
That's quite a composition that you and your friend have put together. Lots of textures, interesting time signatures, and many moods. Thanks for sharing.