The Aging Voice

How does age affect the singing voice? Let's just assume for the sake of the argument that one is taking care of one's voice. Obviously, if one isn't, the voice deteriorates anyway. I've heard of opera singers who change classifications in their thirties and beyond, both male and female. This is especially true for basses. I've also read of pop/rock stars who have had to retrain because of changes in their voices. Lzzy Hale is an example:
I'm a male entering my mid-thirties, and I haven't noticed a change in my range (both lower and upper) or timbre. But I've heard from many voice teachers that both males and females can have a second "voice-puberty" at my age.
I'm a male entering my mid-thirties, and I haven't noticed a change in my range (both lower and upper) or timbre. But I've heard from many voice teachers that both males and females can have a second "voice-puberty" at my age.
As long as you keep the resilience (flexibility) in your cords, you will do better than if you allow your cords to lose their resilience. Continually stretching the cords and keeping them hydrated is going to promote resilience. Regular workouts will promote agility.
You will hit plateaus through your life where it seems like you are going backwards or at least not moving forward. That's usually a personal issue, and once you work past it, it's back again to progress. It has been said that age does make it harder to maintain a broad vocal range. That means that as you age, you will need to work harder at remaining flexible, to prevent stalling when you hit those obstacles.
Like your ealier puberty, you can live through any "second puberty" (if it even happens) and go on about your merry way, continuing to sing after manuevering through any curves life may throw at you.
Lzzy Hale is looking at her issues as a new start, and looking forward to expanding her range further. Interesting article about Lzzy. She has a good outlook on continuing her career.
On a related note, Izzy isn't the first famous rock vocalist I've heard sing the praises of Ron Anderson. Chris Cornell and Chris Daughtry, both favorites of mine, are also on the list. I read in Ken's sort of auto biography of himself as a singer that he took from Ron for several years and didn't gain much.
I'm not sure how to ask this in a classy way, but... I'd love to know thoughts about what it might be about Ron Anderson that has garnered him so much celebrity praise. Is it just that a lot of these rock singers had lousy technique and any vocal coach that half knew what they were talking about would have changed these singers' lives?
There aren't that many vocal coaches that can really help rock singers to sing in a healthy way and really shine with their voices. Ron is one that has helped a lot of prominent rockers and big pop stars, as well, to find their way.
Ken takes exception now to some of the things he was taught by Ron, but on the other hand, he learned a lot of good things from Ron, as well.
One of the things that sold me so easily on KTVA was that Ken had soooooooo many explanations and demonstrations of what he teaches. I could find other programs with glowing reviews (such as Ron's)... but no content or demos!
1. All human beings, unless they have a genetic disorder, when they get to be about 30 years of age, our bodies start changing our muscle tissue into fat deposits. Your breath support system is muscular, so if you don't practice regularly, you willstart hearing negative results.
2. Depending on your genetic heritage, as you age through your late forties, your body begins to turn 'your cartilage into bone. The larynx is mostly all cartilage,so you'll have to work even more consistently i.e. practice to keep it flexible and strong.
3. Males hav a really hard time of singrng oi when
Will, and determination is what will be the deciding factor as to how far you can go, not age.
(just my personal belief)
I just turned 53 as well, and I'll tell you that I've gained about an octave of controlled highs, and solidified my lows in about 8 months! And you know what? I haven't even peaked yet!
I'm giving myself another few months of phase 3 before I upgrade to the Pro-level so I can start perfecting the safe distortion / Holy Grail training.
I've had many setbacks and injuries, but this training has always fixed my voice and continued with the gains.
Is it overnight? Nope.
Do you get these gains by laying on the couch? Hell to the no.
Be prepared to spend an hour a session 3+ nights a week to see any results.
But I've gone from bandmates bringing in other singers "for visits" (In my own band), to them looking at me dumbfounded when I pull off a high up Halford-esque octave slider and sustain it with trailing vibrato. They have told me that the course must be the real deal as I'm hitting the hard parts without straining at all.
This is a small win, but means the world to me.
You're never to old to start, and you're never so good that you can't benefit from solid foundational training.
Lastly, if you don't keep up with your foundational exercises, you will most likely lose your wins eventually.
This training is part of the life-journey, not the destination.
So I alternate them every other day, and do volume 2 as a warmup on my way to rehearsals or performances