hello from nyc, metal guitarist newest member

hello everyone, im jose from ny, i'm an aspiring metal/blues/hard rock guitarist (been taking it seriously for 7 years) with interest in branching into singing, i was born with cleft palate and lip, early November i had my 10th surgery, in which my opened palate was finally closed, and since then i am more than motivated to learn how to sing, i would love to sing Hard rock/Altr Rock in the likes of axl rose, kennedy , chris cornell and singers from bands like Hinder, We are the Harlot, Red, Theory of a Deadman, Shinedown among others, and also scream for Metalcore like Adrian formerly of Northlane, Winston from Parkway Drive, All that Remains (singer can easily switch from singing to screaming so effortlessly), in essence i was to have a versatile voice and i hope i can reach it with this program, doing my best to make the workouts an daily routine, so feel free to hit me up


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Welcome, @mikyj!


    Your daily workouts will go a long way towards getting your voice in shape to do the things you have in mind.

    It's great to have you on board. Your strong motivation will help you to keep going as you grow your voice!

    Looking forward to your progress!

  • mikyjmikyj Pro Posts: 6
    edited January 2016
    thanks Bob, and thanks for being so active and involve, its like you are on point
  • DragoeeDragoee Pro Posts: 5
    Hey @mikyj , welcome!
    It's awsome to see new people like me with motivation to build their voice :)
    I love metal, progressive rock and screaming too, do you know if there is a video in the progrem that teaches to scream?
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