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Option to buy separate DVD's

jeanmullerjeanmuller Member Posts: 2
Hi, my name is Jean and i am from Brazil.

Can I buy only Vol. one or Vol. two DVDs separately ? If yes , I don't find the option to buy, can anyone help me with a link?



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited January 2016

    Individual Volumes are only available for students that have already purchased at least one KTVA volume. Those previous customers can purchase the other volumes so that they have all 3 volumes.

    Otherwise, Weekend Warriors and the Pro Bundle are currently the only ways to purchase KTVA programs.

    Weekend Warriors covers much of the same information that is in Volume 1.

    The Pro Bundle is a fantastic value now. When I bought all three volumes plus some additional programs (that are now included free with the Pro Bundle) several years ago, I paid over $450. That was the best $450.00 I ever spent. It was worth every penny. Now you can get what I bought plus much more, currently on a special sale for $199.

    If I were you, I would JUMP on that Pro Bundle! It's an incredible value. It's the only vocal program that will grow your voice this way.

  • jeanmullerjeanmuller Member Posts: 2
    Hi, @highmtn thanks for the answer!

    Can i start buying the weekend warrior program and then buy the Volume 2 DVD?

    I like to buy the Pro version , but the amount in reais (brazilian coin) is really very high.
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Hi Jean, right now the only offers that we have are what are currently on our website. We do have a version in Portuguese that is on our homepage. Please check it out
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