Well, hello there, I'm from Canada "EH!" Lol, that was so terrible!

ThraxxThraxx Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 4
Hi everyone, I've always wanted to sing ever since hearing Metallica's Load record in my Dad's friend's car while traveling, and while I began singing through my teens (I'm eighteen now), I am not all that good. But fret not, this is the first program I've ever bought and I am dedicated to achieving my goal as an awesome singer. So, yes, any pointers to look out for?


  • ThraxxThraxx Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 4
    Oh yeah, I should put this out for anyone so they could direct me here, I had posted this on another forum!

    "So, here's a question cuz I'm a new and trying this out for the first time because, well, I obviously love singing. So without further ado, I want to know how to properly do this program so I can achieve results in the coming months; firstly, I want to know if I should just focus an hour straight five to six days a week on the videos alone, or do a quick run through and then do the audio clips. Because I am having trouble trying to build my own foundation here, so I need some assistance from others with more experience than myself. Secondly, should I focus on either the videos or audio (Or both?) for an hour, then sing actual songs for the next hour while utilizing all that I've learned?

    Please, a response would be grateful for me because this has been making me a bit anxious. Thank you!"
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited January 2016
    Hello, Thraxx.

    You need to watch the videos thoroughly, and try what Ken is showing you as you watch it. You may need to stop the video and try a few things, and then resume watching.

    You need to spend at least an hour per day doing the audio exercises. Stop and repeat any that are more difficult for you. If you don't make it through all of the exercises, just spend an hour on what you can get through, repeating as stated before.

    It's OK to do more than an hour, as long as your voice isn't feeling worn out. The more you practice, the better, as long as you are practicing correctly. An hour per day is minimum if you want to see consistent progress.

    That hour should be on Ken's exercises. Any song-singing you do should be at your discretion, in addition to your minimum hour of daily exercises. Initially, you really need to get all of the basic concepts of Ken's techniques embedded into your muscle-memory, so that doing these methods will replace any poor singing habits you may have from the past. Later lessons will include ways to start implementing the things you have been learning in the exercises into your singing of songs. Some of that will happen by osmosis, but there are also deliberate ways that are very effective, that will help you to really change the way you approach singing.

    In each Volume (1, 2, and 3) you will find a "Main Movie" folder, and at the bottom of the list of files in that folder there is one file that not a video, and is either a WORD or a pdf file. They're usually pdf. You'll see it there at the bottom of the list of files in that directory. Those are the "how to do the volumes" files.

    You also should be getting information about upgrading your forums status. Check any emails that you may have gotten. It's sent to the email address associated with your payment for the program.

    If you can't find that, then copy and paste your KTVA payment receipt into an email to ktvaforums@gmail.com and say you want to request a forums upgrade. Include your username here.

    Welcome to KTVA.


  • ThraxxThraxx Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 4
    Thank you Bob, a quick question I wanted to clarify. Would it be better to focus on the videos for an hour straight or just the audio exercises after watching the videos extensively?

    Help me clear this up so I know what to do as quickly as I can. Thank you, Bob!!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You want to watch the videos first. Watch them all the way through, trying the things Ken shows you, as you watch. Then, after watching the videos, you can start trying the audio exercises. The explanations in the videos tell you how you should be doing the audio exercises.

    You'll want to watch those videos again and again as time goes by. You will think you know everything that they say, then you'll watch again and realize that you missed an important detail here and there.

    You'll want to do the audio exercises every day for an hour after first viewing the entire video for Volume One first.

  • ThraxxThraxx Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 4
    And should I spend about 4-8 weeks on the first Volume before going to the next one? And then repeat until Volume 3 where I should spend 12-16 weeks? Because that's what I read on this as a "perfect" way of doing this. What's your take?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You should spend as long as it takes to accomplish the goals of each Volume. If you don't get all of the elements of any particular section, you need to stay and work on that item or items. I spent 3 months on Volume 1 the first time. I later went back and repeated Volume 1. I review different areas of the course as needed. I still go back to Volume One from time to time, as it contains the foundations for the course.

    The lessons in this course keep producing benefits for as long as you keep working on them. 4 to 8 weeks on Volume One is moving along pretty fast. It varies from student-to-student. There is no shame in reviewing or taking your time to do a thorough job with your voice. Part of the process is giving your voice time to do physical growth to allow you to sing notes you have never accomplished before. Moving ahead to see what's next will prevent you from allowing sufficient time for this growth to take place. Then you move on to harder workouts and you're not physically ready.

    There are written instructions with the course and they include checklists for "am I ready to move on" with each Volume. You'll find them in the folder with the main movie for each volume. So in volume 1 Main Movie folder, you will see all of the video files, and at the bottom of the list is a pdf file called hts-vol-1-v20.pdf

    You'll find the same type of document in the same place on Volume 2 main movie and Volume 3 main movie.


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