A standing ovation and greeting to Ken & Co. from Copenhagen

Hi everybody,
My name is Bergur, and I've secretly been dreaming of singing since I was about 16 years (32y now). My goal as of now, is to play in a band on a regular basis. At first mostly playing cover songs, but hopefully we'll eventually make our own material. In order for me to acquire the necessary skills and feel confident enough to put myself out there, KTVA really has been a godsend!
I bought the KTVA Pro a little over 2 years ago, and have since practiced his lessons. I have had quite a bit of RL stuff to handle, so unfortunately I have not always been able to systematically train as much as I would like, but I pretty much always sing, when I have the circumstances to do so.
I'd reckon I'm close to getting volume 1 under control, but I still don't think I'm quite there yet - but I have decided to dedicate much more effort and time to get where I want to go.
Thanks guys, you're really are awesome! :)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Thanks for checking in with us here, @bergurs!

    Hopefully you are periodically reading posts here and learning at least bits and pieces as you go by hearing what other singers are up to. If you haven't been, then there's no time like the present to begin hanging out here more often.

    Ken's methods really work, and when you train your voice, your value to any band you join grows by leaps and bounds.

    Nice to meet you, friend!

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