
KTV1234KTV1234 Pro Posts: 6
edited January 2018 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Greetings, isakhk!

    I think you are going to like the improvements in your voice from KTVA over the other program you have tried. We avoid referring to those other programs because they don't work, and they don't really mix or dovetail with KTVA, so it's time to leave those ways behind.

    I did those same programs and more, and they were not taking my voice where I wanted it to go. No more Nay, nay, nay, no more bub,bub, bub, or mum, mum, mum. That stuff is all based on launching your voice from consonants, and nothing could be worse for learning good vocal techniques. Time to move on to real singing.

    As to your video you had posted, the lyrics were simply inappropriate for this site. Those lyrics may be fine on YouTube, and many other places in the world, but not on Ken's site.

    It's nice to have you here. I look forward to hearing the improvements in your voice.

    All the Best.

  • KTV1234KTV1234 Pro Posts: 6
    edited January 2018
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Regarding your rising larynx, yes, that is a very common problem. Ken has busted my chops for letting my larynx rise, so don't think you are alone in needing to get this under control.

    Rely on the basics that Ken shows you in the introductory lessons. Imitate Ken when he demonstrates "It's the LAH!!! AHH!!!" This is a perfect, slightly lowered laryngeal position. You train in this position, and it becomes easier and more natural to keep the larynx from rising.

    A few things that will help to keep the larynx stable is to keep the throat open, not only when you start a scale, but throughout the scale, with the tongue down in the base of the jaw. The tongue and larynx can move together, so if you find your tongue is coming up instead of remaining static in the jaw, your larynx is probably rising too, so get better control of the tongue, keeping it down. It often helps to keep it down, but curl the sides of the tongue and form a tiny "spoon" at the tip of the tongue. This keeps the bulk of the tongue down at the base of the jaw.

    Check your digastric muscle beneath the jaw and make sure it's not tight. If it is, massage it and get it to calm down and release the tension in your neck.

    We raise our larynx unconsciously as tension mounts in the neck and throat. Using better support and pushing down on the diaphragm will help keep unnecessary tension off of the vocal cords.

    Listen to make sure you aren't getting the "froggy" sound creeping in as your voice ascends. Ken put out a recent video on the froggy (raised laryngeal) sound. That video is here:

    All the Best!

  • KTV1234KTV1234 Pro Posts: 6
    edited January 2018
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    edited January 2016

    No, it's not a dopey sound. This is not that other course you took.

    Listen to Ken's voice when he demonstrates "It's the LAH!!! AHH!!!" There is no "dopey" sound in Ken's voice at all. The guy who is selling people that for too much money is the dope. You need to put everything that guy said aside. It doesn't work. Listen to Ken and start from the beginning. Trying to incorporate incorrect singing lessons from the past will only interfere with your progress.

    The best sound you can get is to imitate Ken on "It's the LAH!!! AHH!!!"
    Record yourself and Ken doing that open-throat sound and see how your voice compares. Match that tone and sound. That bright sound (not dopey) is what you want. Look in a mirror and verify that your larynx and tongue do not rise. You'll want to match that tone, especially as you imprint and get started. That will be your home base.

    You are correct that you want to watch in the mirror and start out with a little bit lowered larynx, and that will help to train it to not tend to rise as you move along in your training. A Dopey sound is an overly suppressed larynx and is really overdoing it.

    It's hard to set things aside that we have made habits and trusted to help us with our voices, only to find out that we've been misled, but that's what I found out after wasting too much time and too much money on vocal courses that did not give me the voice that I wanted. Trust Ken. He's giving us the most direct route to safely grow our voices. You'll find out, after working with this program for a while, that your voice is growing like never before.

    Some of the training seems a little different at first, but you have to get a solid foundation established in KTVA methods. After your foundation is solid, you will begin to see that Ken's method is opening many new doors for your voice to grow in ways that you may have found quite unreachable in the past.

    Not only should you stick to the exercises in this program, you should listen intently to exactly how KEN is demonstrating them. Listen to all of the comments he makes in-between scales and do what he says. Singing songs is one thing, but these exercises teach your voice and reprogram your voice into growth in ways that you will need.

    A basic LAH triad scale will tell us tons about how you are doing.

    You've made a good choice to go with KTVA. You'll see. Looking forward to hearing your voice grow!

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