Guys! Please Could Y'all Evaluate My Voice :)

Hi Everyone! 

My name's Victor. I just got the "How to Sing Better Than Anyone Else Vol. 1." Please I would appreciate it if you guys could evaluate my voice. The links to the audio files are below. God bless! Victor
How great is our God:
Mighty to Save:
How Great is Our God: Very.
Overall, like on your other vocal samples, I would suggest you brighten up the tone a bit. There is nothing wrong with the tone you have. It's kinda like a R and B sound as it stands today. I predict that after working out on the CD exercises for a few months, you will have developed more breath support and also have a little more edge on your voice, which will help to get your pitch even more accurate.
Mighty to save: I evaluated this on your other thread.
Practice, Practice, Practice! Your voice will grow!