I hope my friend was right :D

Hey people! 
My name is Michelle, I'm 18 years old and a singer/guitarist (well actually I'm more a singer than a guitarist
I live in Grächen, Switzerland and I'm currently the lead singer of a little band playing cover songs.
One of my musical preferences is the band Halestorm. Especially their singer Lzzy Hale really fascinated me with her voice.
My personal aim is to finally being able to hit powerfully the high notes and to endure them as long as possible. I have been struggeling with that for years now. It got a little bit better by practising but I'm still not where I want to be with my voice.
Furthermore I have a huge problem with my throat/voice: While singing I often start to cough and I get a cold every other month
. That was what made me question my singing technique ( besides, I never took singing lessons or the like). I sing almost every day if time permits and I don't want to 'damage' (if that's what I do) my voice anymore.
While dicussing with a good friend of mine about the problems mentioned above, he suggested me to give KTVA a try. So here I am
I'm really looking forward to improving my voice!

My name is Michelle, I'm 18 years old and a singer/guitarist (well actually I'm more a singer than a guitarist

I live in Grächen, Switzerland and I'm currently the lead singer of a little band playing cover songs.
One of my musical preferences is the band Halestorm. Especially their singer Lzzy Hale really fascinated me with her voice.
My personal aim is to finally being able to hit powerfully the high notes and to endure them as long as possible. I have been struggeling with that for years now. It got a little bit better by practising but I'm still not where I want to be with my voice.
Furthermore I have a huge problem with my throat/voice: While singing I often start to cough and I get a cold every other month

While dicussing with a good friend of mine about the problems mentioned above, he suggested me to give KTVA a try. So here I am

I'm really looking forward to improving my voice!
Listen carefully to everything Ken tells you to do. He knows what he's talking about, and you need to learn good vocal habits and the right ways to get your voice to do what you want it to do. Watch the video of Gabriela doing Lzzy Hale. You'll see that you have come to the right place.
As soon as my throat gets better I'll continue practising. I haven't done much yet but this programme already convinced me that I'm on the right path.
Your friend was right!