Sounding like a Monkey

Hey Guys!
Hope your singing journey is going well!
I just have a quick question "specifically to those who have been in this very same position".
I am a drummer who has been doing the program for about a week now and I am already seeing mad improvement in my voice control. I decided to record myself to catch any mistakes I may or may not be making. In regards to pitch, breathing & positioning I am fine. It's when I listen to the quality of my voice... I don't sound pretty. I understand it has ONLY been a week, but this has been an issue since singing in my very first choir. So I guess my question would be, how long should I be expecting to sound like a monkey rather then a singer. Also any tips to get me out of this slump?
Appreciate any and all advice!
Cheers!; and Happy singing
Hope your singing journey is going well!
I just have a quick question "specifically to those who have been in this very same position".
I am a drummer who has been doing the program for about a week now and I am already seeing mad improvement in my voice control. I decided to record myself to catch any mistakes I may or may not be making. In regards to pitch, breathing & positioning I am fine. It's when I listen to the quality of my voice... I don't sound pretty. I understand it has ONLY been a week, but this has been an issue since singing in my very first choir. So I guess my question would be, how long should I be expecting to sound like a monkey rather then a singer. Also any tips to get me out of this slump?
Appreciate any and all advice!
Cheers!; and Happy singing
Hey, Dillon!
First of all, welcome to a fellow Drummer/Ken Tamplin method vocal student.
We've all gone through self-loathing regarding the sounds of our own voice. That's just part of the process. Get to know it. It's going to change, and so will your loathing. You'll even get to the point where you are shocked when you hear something that's you, and you like it before you realize "Oh! That's Me!"
DO use the bright sound. DO keep the throat open. DO learn to push down on the diaphragm more, the higher you go, to increase support. DO practice every day. DO believe that you are really going to like what is going to happen to your voice, including the tonality and the sound.
You will begin to find, as you go along, that you have resonators in your voice, and that you can affect the way your voice sounds, live and in real-time. You will have choices, but first you just need to learn the basic building blocks of your voice, the good old LAH! From there, you will lay a foundation for great tone and great singing. It will take time, and serious focus.
Another DO for you... DO keep recording and paying attention to the sound. It's hard, I know, but you will become less oversensitized to hearing the sound of your voice, and become more open to doing the little (and the big) things that will, one-by-one make improvements on your sound. Try to sound as much like Ken's voice as you can. Try to match what he is doing. The recording every day is a very powerful tool, and you just have to get past that aversion we've all had to our own recorded voice. Once you get past that reaction, you can start being more objective about what it is that you really want to adjust and improve. That's when it starts getting really good.
It's great to have you here, dude!
Good Singing to You!