Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

3 days = Half an octave

Lasse34Lasse34 Enrolled Posts: 7
Before starting this program I was struggling and straining to reach a c4 in chest voice for one of my bands own songs with maybe 10% success rate (and being really hoarse).
Today, 3 days in, I just hit a c5 (again and again) practicing, I've only been doing the lip roll and tongue exercise + trying to get the hang of the AH vowel modifications, as this seems to be the limit to my voice at this time. But the improvement I've seen from day to day, just from doing that, is insane!
I think I'll be able to start on scales for all the volume 1 vowel modifications during next week and I can't wait to see what that'll do for my voice!
Thank you Ken Tamplin, this is insane!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Try to hold your progress down to about a hundred miles per hour, just to stay on the road when you come to any curves!

    Glad you're liking what's beginning to happen to your voice.

  • Lasse34Lasse34 Enrolled Posts: 7
    okay I'm sorry, I was wrong, it felt like one octave but I heard myself wrong, due to excitement, still I'm already hitting notes I couldn't have dreamed of before, but more like a half octave.
    But it's propably gonna be a full octave soon enough :smiley:
  • TinaErTinaEr Pro Posts: 21
    I can tell my sound got clearer and louder! unfortunately I got so excited that I forgot how late it was and then had the neighbour banging at the door complaining about me being too loud :blush: I honestly never thought I'd have that issue because I'm very soft spoken and very quiet by nature - so even though I've had to put off the training for a few days til I can get it in during the daytime - I'm still super excited about it :)
  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    You dont really have to be loud doing practice to be honest.
    I find a nice gentler lighter practice to be much more effective.
    Adds control etc
  • TinaErTinaEr Pro Posts: 21
    olskool said:

    You dont really have to be loud doing practice to be honest.

    I find a nice gentler lighter practice to be much more effective.

    Adds control etc

    @olskool I agree - and I'm not really that loud practicing. I should specify that I was singing at the time after having praticed ;)
  • olskoololskool Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 68
    @TinaEr i get carried away aswell....ask them if they want to join in...lol
    Maybe not really a good idea.
  • Tomara92Tomara92 Pro Posts: 4
    i got carried away to my first practice was yesterday lol
    but i know i showed be more gentler but i am excited!!!
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