Hello from Denmark :)

Hi :)

I just got the course and joined the forum. I'm 33 and have no previous singing experience or training (except for church choir in 4th grade lol). I always had a passion for singing but always got told it's only the very few that can actually make a living off of it. So I persued a law degree instead and after being struck by illness and not to mention the recession and not getting the job opportunity I was expecting, well I had some time to think and I realized law was definitely not the right path for me and I basically just did it to please everyone else's expectations. While I was looking for a job (and recovering) I started singing karaoke on an app for my phone. I was super scared of it at first (I actually had the app for 3 months on my phone before I dared to use it!) but once I started and got some positive feedback and grew more confident, I honestly can say that it's the one thing that really makes me happy and feels 100% right. I don't know if Kens course will make me able to do this for a living, but it's a start and I'd rather give it a go than living with the regrets of never having even tried. So this is me giving it a go! I can't wait to learn more and hopefully get to know some wonderful and inspiring people along the way :)



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hi, @TinaEr !

    It's nice to meet you!

    Ken's methods for singing will definitely give you more power and confidence in your voice. The music business as a means of support is a very competitive field, but a lot of us feel like it's worth it to go as far as we can with it. Most musicians and singers need a "day job" as a means of support to keep them going while they pursue a path to make more substantial income from their music. Many singers and musicians are able to make additional income to supplement their "day job" income. Music can be a very fulfilling part of your life and the main thing you look forward to while maintaining the necessities of the day job.

    You will learn a lot about your voice, and you will see great improvements as you work Ken's program.

    All the Best!


  • TinaErTinaEr Pro Posts: 21

    Thank you Bob :)

    Nice to meet you too!

    I'm slowly getting into the program. I'm having a bit of trouble with the breathing part lol. I guess it will come the more I do it. I feel like I can't get enough air that deep into my stomach that fast (it's like yoga breathing on steroids :D) I'm very exited that I got a clearer sound though with the smiling trick almost immediately. I obviously do understand I can't live off of singing straight from the get go lol and I do have some other projects I want to launch aswell as a "day job". I don't belive in just betting it all on one horse. I just want to give this a go because I was always told it couldn't be done and I really enjoy singing and I want to incorperate more things in my life that make me happy and feel more fulfilled. I'm definitely looking forward to this journey! :smiley:
  • kaulferskaulfers Pro Posts: 300

    Welcome, and tell the neighbors to join in on the fun, they are up anyways.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Those are great reasons to sing! Doing more things that make us happy is a very wise decision!

  • TinaErTinaEr Pro Posts: 21
    kaulfers said:


    Welcome, and tell the neighbors to join in on the fun, they are up anyways.

    Thanks! Haha maybe I should do that :D Why didn't I think of that :P
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