Newbie from New Zealand

Hey everyone
I've been a guitar player for over 30 years and after not gigging for some years started playing with some local dads (our kids go to the same school). Our lead singer is pretty decent and I sing a few tunes and harmonies or unison where I can. I have an average voice and limited range, breaks about the Eb4. I downloaded the lessons a few days ago and have been doing an hour every night, I actually enjoy doing scales and making strange noises. Hit an F4 tonight (not strong I might add) and feel like the "law" exercise is something that is forcing me to let go of some bad habits and open the throat/voice up a bit. Looking forward to progressing to vowel modification, but will stick with the first few exercises until I build a solid platform.

I love the support other members provide here and Ken is clearly the real deal.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Welcome, @Dan_NZ !

    Nice to hear from you. Dig in and work those lessons and practice those scales. Your voice WILL grow! Nice to hear that you're getting back into playing and ready to start singing more seriously!

  • Dan_NZDan_NZ Pro Posts: 49
    Wow its been a year. Still stretching the voice and learning control. Can now hit G4 but not in a controlled musical way. Initial goal was to hit an E4 in songs, this is no longer the goal as that has been surpassed many months ago. New goal A4 in songs and in the interim keep adding to my repertoire and the number of songs I sing, we gig about every 2-4 weeks as a duet. The has been money well spent! Thanks @highmtn and all the others for your support.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Thank you, @Dan_NZ! Glad to hear you have surpassed your goals and that now you're ready to Raise the Bar! It's nice when something in life exceeds your expectations, isn't it? Especially when it's your singing voice!

    That's the kind of post I like the most!

    Rock on!

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