General Question

I just purchased the HTS Course + Pro Packs and am wondering, how will I know that I full access to the forum as specified in the terms of agreement? For confirmation that I purchased the course I am including my transaction ID and authorization code. Thank you in advance.
Transaction ID:
Auth Code:
Transaction ID:
Auth Code:
Be sure and don't post any personal information online here.
To check on the status of your forums upgrade, you can write to
That is where you want to send a Copy of your purchase receipt, along with your username here on the forums. Just copy/paste the receipt from your paypal account, or wherever you purchased from.
Transaction codes and authorization codes don't help them to look up your purchase. A copy of your actual receipt is what they need to see.
You may have already been sent the information. The email address you made your purchase from is where the information will be sent.
All the Best!