Hey all

pmacpmac Pro Posts: 58
edited May 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF

Hey all,

Just a quick introduction .My names Paul i am 44 years old and am in England.I have loved music for as long as i can remember.I played trumpet in the school band and sung in my school choir but when i reached the age of 14 stopped both.I have played guitar on and off but never been in any bands.I listen to any music but really love Metal and rock,Iron maiden ,sabbath etc.I want to learn to sing again and found Ken on you tube.I have bought the DVD 1 and am looking forward to working out and checking out the forum.





  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Welcome, Paul!

    You've come to the right place to learn to ROCK your VOICE!

    Pay close attention to Ken's instructions, and practice your tail off!  After that 30-year break, you should be ready to take off like a ROCKET!  Glad to have you here!


  • PeteMurphyPeteMurphy Enrolled Posts: 95
    Hey Paul!

    Best of luck with the course. I hope you have great success with it. You're certainly in good hands with Bob and some of the other guys here (Ken even pops in from time to time).

    What part of England are you from? I'm in Birmingham.

    Best wishes,
  • pmacpmac Pro Posts: 58

    @ Bob thanks for the welcome looking forward to the journey

    @ Pete also thanks for the welcome. I am not too far away ,i'm in Newport Pagnell near Milton Keynes.

  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Hey Paul.  Welcome to the forum.  Lots of great vocalists with experience and knowledge.  You are in good hands.  Enjoy volume 1.  you will be amazed by the results.
  • pmacpmac Pro Posts: 58
    Thanks for the welcome sspatrick.Did my first workout this afternoon,i think i am going to enjoy this.
  • GuevaraGuevara Enrolled Posts: 140

    Hey Paul,

    Welcome, excellent that you are getting back into singing after so long! Take your time and ease yourself back into it, you'll do great!


  • pmacpmac Pro Posts: 58
    Thanks Gary.Will do:D 
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