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How to sing like Paul McCartney

PeteMurphyPeteMurphy Enrolled Posts: 95
edited May 2012 in Ken Tamplin's Corner
Hiya Ken!

I watched the How To Sing Like Kelly Clarkson 'Stronger' video, and there's a comment
underneath it asking about you doing a 'how to sing like Paul McCartney'
lesson. Yes! I would love this so much! I don't know why I didn't think
to ask this myself.

He's definitely a big favourite of mine - Maybe I'm Amazed.... and those
screams at the end of Hey Jude ("Jude Judy Judeh judeh Judeh
WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!") - if I could do a scream like that I'd be a very
happy man. Steven Tyler also does those McCartney influenced screams
(like at the end of the Aerosmith song 'Amazing').

Have a great day,


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