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Loss of head voice

The last few months I have noticed less reliability in the upper parts of my head voice. I used to be able to hit a very clean, clear, well connected G5. It started to get a little scratchy, but still there. Now, I can barely hit an E5, and the highest note I can now reliably hit is a D5.

What I don't get is that my voice generally feels better than ever. I've been training with Vol. 3. I've been getting AMAZING results everywhere else, but the loss of the highest notes makes me think something is up. I do everything by the books - I don't strain for notes, trying to keep my larynx as neutral as possible throughout my range, drink lots of water, steam my voice most days, and I feel absolutely no discomfort when singing.

I don't care too much as I rarely use this part of my voice but I can't afford to lose any more notes from the top - I don't want this to affect my high C. I have been on complete vocal rest the last few days - just done some basic lip rolls and tried to vocalise up there but still, the highest note I can barely hit in head voice is E5.

Any suggestions of what I can do? I can't afford to have my cords looked at by an ENT so home-remedies and cheap suggestions only, thanks.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387

    One of the most important things you can do is to REALLY DO what Ken tells you in Volume 3 about cutting back the air. Your upper range notes are all on a very thin, tiny part of your vocal cords and are very susceptible to overuse from oversinging in that range. It doesn't take much.

    You have to start implementing this technique of cutting back the air as if your voice depends on it, because it does. You have to imagine that the voice is this tapered thing that must get smaller as it gets higher. When you are up in the E5 to A5 range, that is happening in an area about the size of a pinhole. It's easy to make a pinhole get enough pressure to swell to where it can't make a good, clean A5 anymore, until the swelling stops. If you're using too much air or too much pressure, you are oversinging.

    It's very much like holding your breath while you sing.

    I kind of ignored that part of Volume 3 when I first studied it, much like I didn't want to do vowel modifications and other things that I didn't think were important... Then I wondered why I kept getting hoarse with all of my great range I had built.


    Then I went back and started actually following Ken's instructions. Completely. Suddenly, no more hoarseness, gaps in my range went away. I learned to govern my voice, and keep from oversinging, even when it would be more fun to just do whatever I wanted to. I learned to discipline myself and take better care of my voice.

    Now, when I govern my voice, it's working better at the end of a long gig than it did in the first set. It keeps getting better instead of having setbacks. I know that I am ultimately responsible to maintain my own vocal health.

    I don't know if this is what is behind your range issues, but I would encourage you to really make sure you are following all of the instructions about compression, support, and cutting back the air.

    All the Best!

  • crymearivercrymeariver Member Posts: 3
    thanks for the advice @highmtn - at times I definitely forget to cut back the air on higher notes, so I will be more aware of this from now on!!!
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