Learning Falsetto

So my head voice is rather strong but I need some guidance on how to do a falsetto voice. How do you actually learn to do it? Everybody just says "it's that sound" but that doesn't help me to be able to produce it. What do I do to develop it? I just can't do it. Thank you.
Falsetto would be that same sound above the secondo passaggio, but with the vocal cords slightly apart, less cord closure. This introduces more air into the sound, and can sound somewhat hooty. It is the sound most often associated with a soprano singing classical music.
To get to head voice, you have to release into it when you go above the secondo passaggio in pitch. It's above the vocal break (that place where you sometimes "yodel". If you don't release into head voice, you just hit a stopping point where you can't go any higher.
All the Best.
In a lot of Country singing and some other styles, the Yodel, or vocal break, is accentuated on purpose to get more of a "hillbilly" kind of sound, or a "cry" in the voice. Either way, it's the register break between the mid voice and head voice. Some vocalists also experience a yodel between the Lower full chest register and the mid register, which is called the Primo Passaggio.