I Have Been Meaning to Do This Since I have Started the Program

Hello everyone, my name is Matthew. I am 36, married with two children, and am currently living in Virginia Beach. I have been "singing" for a better part of 25+ years now but you would never think so because my voice, I feel, plateaued several years back. I have also been writing songs since I was 17 and even recorded an album when I was 23; however, I never truly felt comfortable with my vocals and even rerecorded them many times after I completed the recording process. I had taken some vocal lessons both privately and in group settings when I sang with a choir but I knew I needed something more. I knew that there was something I was missing that was keeping me from performing my best each and every time; I was suffering from moving targets Ken speaks of in Vol. 1. So, with a new mission to get better control with my voice as well as better clarity I began a journey that led me to Ken Tamplin. I was, just as anyone else in this forum, a bit skeptical at first because online programs, for the most part, are out to get your money quickly and never produce real results. However, over the couple of years of watching and listening to Ken and his students I began to believe in his concept and that he was not out to get my money. In fact, it was a couple of Ken's music videos from his early years on YouTube that truly sold me on his product. If anyone gets a chance to watch his music videos please do so. You can totally hear the fundamentals of his [Ken's] program being prevalent in his voice then as it is today. Anyhow, in late February early March of this year I purchased the Pro Bundle Pack and have been very pleased ever since. I have performed twice now using the warm ups prior to and have never felt better with myself both before and after the show. I do not feel tension or strain when I sing, I do not feel breathless when I get done singing, and I am able to sing more songs continuously without feeling hoarse. So, if you anyone reading this has not purchased the program, take it from me and go out and buy it; it is certainly well worth the money. It took me two years to make the decision but I am glad I finally it. Cheers!
Well-said. Thank you for sharing your experience with those who are sitting on the fence, trying to figure out whether Ken is just like all of those slick scam artists out there, selling thin air as "singing lessons".
I waited a whole year after being convinced that Ken's lessons were the real thing. I was just too tight with my money and hated spending a lot of money on something that wasn't a drum, or a microphone, or a P.A. system. I had spent thousands of dollars on musical equipment, without batting an eye... But when it came to spending money on my voice, I had already spent thousands on several different vocal programs, only to be ripped-off by false promises... and I felt like I couldn't "afford" Ken's program. I wanted to wait until I could "afford" it. So I kept on blowing out my voice at gigs, and feeling like I had little control over my voice.
Then, I finally said one day "THAT's IT! I'm getting it now!" I was no richer than the day I first wanted it... only a year older. That is my biggest regret, is that I waited, and lost a whole year of progress, due to my own stubborness, and feeling like I didn't deserve to spend money on my voice again.
When I finally got Ken's program, I knew it was what I had hoped it would be. It's the best thing I ever bought for myself, and I'm so glad I got off of my good intentions and made the decision. Ken's program has changed my voice, and I'm very pleased with the results. It doesn't end there. The voice just keeps on improving the longer you keep doing Ken's program.
Anybody out there that is hesitating, take it from Larry and take it from me, and from many others that have made the decision to stop waiting and start singing. This program works, and most of the others are nothing but slick rip-offs, making promises of instant results, but delivering fluff.
Get started on the real-life singing journey that will change the way you sound and the way you feel about your voice...
Don't let a year go by, or two or three. You could be making strides with your voice. It's not overnight. It's a journey. Get started on your journey. The sooner, the better.