Do you have any tips on learning lyrics of a song? Like something new for you, that you might have to perform in a week?
Hey @twelvedesign , love your participation on these forums! Happy to help. Everyone has different methods of learning a song. Here are few suggestions:
1. Listen to the song on repeat whilst doing other activities. It's amazing how much you remember while the song seeps into the long term memory 2. Learn the song one verse at a time. Perfect it one verse at a time before moving forward. Before you know it the song is done. 3. Don't be afraid to read the lyrics before you sing them. By reading lyrics you find a connection and pattern or structure that can assist in understanding and learning about the whole story
Hope that helps! Rise above and love Mys T x
Everyone has different methods of learning a song. Here are few suggestions:
1. Listen to the song on repeat whilst doing other activities. It's amazing how much you remember while the song seeps into the long term memory
2. Learn the song one verse at a time. Perfect it one verse at a time before moving forward. Before you know it the song is done.
3. Don't be afraid to read the lyrics before you sing them. By reading lyrics you find a connection and pattern or structure that can assist in understanding and learning about the whole story
Hope that helps!
Rise above and love
Mys T x