Imagine (John Lennon) Cover

Hi all,

I did a cover of Imagine by John Lennon recently. I tried to sing it very differently from the original. Comments and feedbacks on vocal technique, lyrical interpretation, etc are absolutely appreciated. Blessings always.

Regards and with love,


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
  • timliu92timliu92 Member Posts: 65
    Thanks for the comment Bob - glad you enjoyed it. Just wondering - there are times when I felt I am singing nasally in this tune. I do not if this is just my ear - I am wondering if you think so. At the same time, any comments on technique or interpretation are appreciated :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    It's not really nasal. In some parts you do bring the sound to the front of the face, but that's normal for singing bright, higher parts. It's not getting a "nasal" sound, just clarity.
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