Hello everybody! So I've been singing for about two years now. I've always loved singing, was just afraid of doing it in public. But I practiced, and it turns out I have one hell of a voice! Literally. I'm confused and it's making my life miserable! I've always had a low talking voice, up until this year where I started music lessons. My range extended, and it affected my talking voice. I now sound higher. At the beginning of last school semester, I took choir classes. When the teacher took our range, I was put in the bass section. And I sung there comfortably for the remainder of the semester. However, when I started taking private lessons with the same teacher, she got me baritone sheet music and we practiced on that, and I had no trouble hitting the highest notes of the range. Now, my favorite singer is Beyoncé. I always listen and sing to her songs. She also helped me develop my breath because she sings like a goddess while running and jumping and dancing on the stage like a deflating balloon. Because I always practice to her videos, I managed to develop my lungs and I have a lot of breath, and my singing technique improved. Keep in mind I've been doing this since 10th grade; and I'm a college freshman now. Today, I was singing, still going on thinking that I'm a bass-baritone. Because I was bored, I started singing more Beyoncé songs. For some reason, I chose to sing Listen. The highest note in Listen is a F#5. The note comes in towards the end when she belts out "complete". I belted out the note, but it turned out flat and I instead hit a F5 (La4). The reason I know this? I was recording myself and the machine has a vocal scale in which it records the frequencies of the input (my voice in this case), and it corresponded to a La4; which is an F5. Isn't that supposed to be waaaaay out of my range? At the beginning of the semester last year, I couldn't even hit a middle C (C4), because it was too high. So now I'm wondering, what category do I fit in? Because I can sing these high notes, I just don't feel too comfortable singing them all the time. What do I do? Do I continue practicing them or do I stop? I felt like I was putting pressure on my voice while singing that last part, but managed to hit it. I could still go on, I just did not want to strain it too hard. What do I do? Any advice on how to develop my range safely? Thanks

It is possible to have a very wide range, and it is also possible to train to go beyond your present limitations and to extend your range. It just takes training and patience.