Hello all, I'm Aundre from Chicago, IL

Hey everyone! i'm new here and I just purchased the course. I hope to push my voice to it's full potential. I've had previous singing lessons in person and was complimented on some aspects of my voice. I let Ken hear me and he gave me some pretty good feedback. With his course he feels I can rock my instrument. I'm looking forward to it with all the great reviews on this course. How long does it take to usually arrive? I can't wait to get started!
Welcome to KTVA. You are about to begin a journey that will last for as long as you continue to sing. Some changes will come soon, but many take time, because you will be growing skills and growing muscle and growing experience, and all of that keeps on happening for as long as you continue to work Ken's program and his exercises.
So settle in and get started, and really pay attention to Ken's instructions. Practice faithfully, and hang in there for the long run. Your voice will grow and improve.
It's a learning process and a growing process. Training takes time, but results will come.
We're glad that you have arrived here!