A fine hello

Just a fine hello to everyone.
I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I'm looking forward to working with every one in the future. I'm a southern blues cat that plays rhythm and lead guitar with very little singing experience. So my goals are to sing the blues and sing them well, not to mention just learn as much as I can. I certainly need the help and am excited toward the fun work ahead. I look forward to every ones knowledge and experience.
Failing is not an option.
Jimi Wayne
I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I'm looking forward to working with every one in the future. I'm a southern blues cat that plays rhythm and lead guitar with very little singing experience. So my goals are to sing the blues and sing them well, not to mention just learn as much as I can. I certainly need the help and am excited toward the fun work ahead. I look forward to every ones knowledge and experience.
Failing is not an option.
Jimi Wayne
Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
Good to have you here! This is the place to bolster your lessons from KTVA! Hopefully you're starting out with stage one and ready to follow the whole course of study. There's a lot to learn and sometimes starting from nearly scratch is the best way to develop the best habits and technique.
A fine hello back atcha' ;^)
Thanks man I appreciate the welcome mat. Yes I started yesterday with the KTVA, HTS regular bundle, or at least ordered it yesterday (I impatiently wait). I have a question. Now that I've order when and how do I change my status in the forum from member to enrolled? Any thoughts?
Just wandering, how long on the coarse shipping, I'm out in Colorado? Any thoughts, also I tried to vote For Lea Emmerson but the link did not show her?
Welcome to KTVA jimiwayne,
Good to have you here!!