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What is going on here (Daniel Tompkins with Earthside)

twelvedesigntwelvedesign Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 239
What techniques does he use in this fragment, particularly on high notes? He hits F5 at one point. Is it all head voice?

Vocal part of interest starts around 4 minute mark.



  • vmalheirosvmalheiros Pro Posts: 104
    edited August 2016
    I'm no expert but I'd say he is belting on his call register, and particularly at the F5 he is using a pure timbral head voice. There's also a part in which he uses a falsetto sound (airy head voice).
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    The softer parts are head voice. Where he pushes it, he is in a variant of chest. At times it's call, other times are well-supported chest, and sometimes he puts a little cry in the sound, which is a touch of disconnect at the passaggio.

    He has a really good range, and is able to vary a lot in the technique he uses on a given note. When you get good at all of the variations you can begin to mix and match and use whatever you want, and everyone will just be guessing trying to figure out whether you're in chest, head, call, mix, or some combination of any of the above.
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