Original song short clip

Been working a song and thought it would be cool to hear what people think of it.



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited September 2016
    Nice tune, Jonas. On the word "like" you sing "Lah-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEk it".

    That might work better if you only ad the EE at the last moment, attached to the "k", so "Ah - Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eek-ehhhhhht"

    It's hard to sustain "ee" up high and ah makes a good substitute vowel with a quick EE on the cutoff. "Ih" on "it" is also hard to do, and we like to substitute "eht" for "it".

    I like it. :^)
  • Ah i'm glad you enjoy it! Ye I was having problem with that one. I wanna get enunciation but I wanna be open too. I'll try it more with an Ah. Thanks Bob!
  • highmtn said:

    Nice tune, Jonas. On the word "like" you sing "Lah-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEk it".

    That might work better if you only ad the EE at the last moment, attached to the "k", so "Ah - Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eek-ehhhhhht"

    It's hard to sustain "ee" up high and ah makes a good substitute vowel with a quick EE on the cutoff. "Ih" on "it" is also hard to do, and we like to substitute "eht" for "it".

    I like it. :^)

    I got a question Bob! When you sing in a lighter mode what are some of the pointers you should be mindful of?

    Support is still important but not as important?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You still need to support, but it won't be as intense as it is on stronger songs. If you don't support, even with lighter songs, your voice will tend to wobble and lose consistency.
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