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Low Baritones Singing Tenor

I was just wondering if any natural low baritones/basses here have a recording (video is ideal) of themselves singing in a high tenor range (G#4 and above) with a clean tone? I've seen Ken do it a bit but he's admittedly, a higher/brighter natural baritone. Thanks.

P.S. Oh, I'm interested in someone who's doing it in a way that is similar to how a tenor sounds ie mimicking a chesty tone...not a heady/falsetto tone. thanks


  • jimmygneccofanjimmygneccofan Member Posts: 25
    I think the closest things I've seen are Ken and Jeff Scott Soto when he sang Journey songs. However, he WAS a higher/brighter bari also.
  • jimmygneccofanjimmygneccofan Member Posts: 25
    Sorry for ramblin on but it's weird because after 15 years of singing, I've just started working the G4+ range (Tamplin style) and slowing my vibrato etc...for a few months now. It's really strange hitting that range in a chesty tone. Bizarre. I was curious what I can expect as I do it more and more.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032
    It can take a long time to figure out how to manage your voice above G4. I often refer to it as the "G4 barrier". I was stuck there for a long time. Probably my biggest fault was trying to power through it, when what really allowed me to sail past it was finding relaxation and ease in those notes. When you start managing the tension and learning to relax into G#, A4, Bb4, and B4, then C5 isn't that much of a stretch.
  • jimmygneccofanjimmygneccofan Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2016
    highmtn said:

    It can take a long time to figure out how to manage your voice above G4. I often refer to it as the "G4 barrier". I was stuck there for a long time. Probably my biggest fault was trying to power through it, when what really allowed me to sail past it was finding relaxation and ease in those notes. When you start managing the tension and learning to relax into G#, A4, Bb4, and B4, then C5 isn't that much of a stretch.

    Yeah, I'm actually singing the notes, somewhat convincingly, for the first time. My endurance is kinda weak because I do get a bit frantic and the memory function hasn't kicked in enough that I do it perfectly every time. I'm struggling with certain vowel mods, for ex: there's a song where the words "beast" and "here" are at a Bb4 and I can barely mod the vowel to sound anything like the original singer's clear & soaring "EEEE" in beast. Strangely, the word "here" is almost more difficult. I can do it, it just sounds weak basically (as I approach mods that sound anything like the word...I don't want to pronounce "beast" like "baste or bast" HAHA). Besides those things, it would just be nice to see how some other fellow low voices have progressed in that area. Thank you.
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