Your Song (Elton John) Cover

Dear KTVA,

I recently did a cover of Your Song by Elton John, also one of my favorite songs. Instead of singing it like the original, however, I decided to just transpose the tune by two half-steps to bring out the brightness in my middle register, and I also tried to subdue some of my resonance as much as possible while trying to make the song a bit more 'urgent' if you want to call it that way. Your comments are absolutely appreciated :)

Listen to Your Song (Elton John) Cover 3.m4a by Tim1912 #np on #SoundCloud

Regards and with love,


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Good Job, Tim.

    This sounds a little bit dark, but maybe that's what you wanted. I would make the whole recording brighter (guitar AND voice), but that's my own opinion. I would also try to sing more in upper mid-chest instead of head voice on some of the high parts... again, just my preference.

    As always, you did the song justice.

  • timliu92timliu92 Member Posts: 65
    Hey Bob, thanks for the comment. Apparently I decided to record everything live on a smartphone instead since I felt that I could not get the feel right when both the guitar and vocals are recorded separately. Attached is the new link:

    Listen to Your Song (Elton John) Cover by Tim1912 #np on #SoundCloud

    Enjoy and your comments are absolutely appreciated :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I like this version better, but both were good. This is brighter, a little more timbral, besides being recorded differently.
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