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Myles is great

vmalheirosvmalheiros Pro Posts: 104


  • streeterstreeter Pro Posts: 678
    Love Myles,
    He made me want to take lessons back in the day.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    He's an artist at shedding the weight. Starts out heavy, drops it like it's nothing. Great call voice. Nice Bb4.
  • timliu92timliu92 Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2016
    Myles has fantastic singing technique. His diaphragmatic support is monstrous, while his ability to coordinate between register shifts is also freakishly good. I love his ability to be able to shed weight on top while still keeping a lot of depth and roundness in his sound.
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    I really like some of his acoustic performances. his voice is so clear and he had such focus. A lot of other live videos with the band, it seems his voice is a little blown out and tends to go VERY thin an nasally on the sound. That's probably to spare himself some tension. I understand touring can be tough.

    I listened to the album 'blackbird' a lot when i was younger, so thanks for sharing!
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