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'Sssss' Breathing Exercises And Breath Control

Dear KTVA,

Recently I timed myself holding a long 'ssss' for my diaphragmatic support exercises. My longest time prior to my 'ssss' eventually collapsing and losing its stability was 42.1 seconds. What would be the typical time for a good, well-supported breath in a singer?



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    That's hard to say, because with an sss sound, you are just timing a leak. Try timing an AH Vowel.

    42 seconds is pretty good for a slow leak, however.
  • JenniferCampionJenniferCampion Member Posts: 28
    Try giving all of the vowels and variations of thier sounds a go. Play with them and keep track of your times. Maybe in a little diary perhaps, so you can monitor growth over time.

    Also, I've been told that it's a good sign if 'ssssss' sounds and soft 'zzzzzz' sounds last for the same approximate length of time.

    And yes, 42 seconds would be quite impressive indeed in the eyes of my ENT so I suppose a pat on the back and your favourite dinner is in order!

    Kind regards, Jenny.
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