Home Vocal Health and Wellness


Hi guys, was wondering if anyone could help me with the breathing as I feel like I'm doing it wrong still. I have gone over the video heaps, read the PDF file a bunch but I'm really finding this very hard (maybe I'm just very weak in this muscle as I think I have never been singing correctly with breathing ever) I check my posture in the mirror as well as checking my chest is 1/2 to 3/4 expanded, go over the PDF and videos but still feel like drowning on oxygen as if I have to much air in my lungs. am I to expand my chest but have on oxygen in my lungs then take small breaths with my diaphragm? also is the sensation I'm to feel when I sing the note meant to be like pushing out a fart like the pdf states (sorry for the lack of better wording) or like when I tense my abs? also when taking in a breath is that meant to be like the relax reflex or am I meant to flex the diaphragm to get this and if this is the case should the sing the noter part be the relax reflex part or is it in between both the breathing and sing that we relax?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Hi, Jamie.

    What KTVA package did you buy? Your forums status isn't indicating that you bought the regular bundle or the Pro Bundle. There is a lot of information in the student areas of the forums that you can't see with your "member" status.

    You're asking several questions in this one post that would take a long time to answer, but most of these questions are covered in the student areas of the forums.

    If you could send a copy of your KTVA purchase receipt to ktvaforums@gmail.com then your forums status can be upgraded, depending on what bundle you bought. Weekend Warriors does not come with student access, but the regular bundle and the Pro Bundle both do. The PRO bundle comes with the most forums access.

    Copy and paste into an email to that address a copy of your receipt and request a forums upgrade. Give your forums username. Then, if you get upgraded, see what questions you still have after reading what others have asked and had answered on these topics.

    There are whole sections on diaphragmatic breathing and support alone.

    All the Best!

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