Hello From Full Sail University ( Florida )
Hey everyone, my name is Jake. I'm a music production student at full sail university. I just moved to Florida to start this school I'm about 3 months in. I'm originally from Maryland and I've always wanted to sing. I tried teaching myself and found I was more than likely doing things wrong, Then i started looking through different Youtube videos and such. You can find a lot of good information on youtube but I was never sure if i was doing things right. It didn't sound like I was and I just overall was never finding results, then again I never stuck to a solid practice schedule, I thought it was just a learn and do thing. I had a bunch of female friends who could sing great without ever having a lesson so I thought I could do the same. Eventually I joined chorus my senior year of high school and started doing musical theatre. It helped but I never found anything or did anything that made me shine the way I knew I could. My tone always sounds awful to me personally so I was kinda hopeless. I still sang in front of people weather it was at different talents shows, or solos in the musicals. I eventually became hopeless and decided not to take the cheap way out and I wanted true results. So thats what led me here. I saw some youtube videos and other videos of what some people could do just after 7 or8 months and I knew thats what I needed to do. so I saved up, bought the DVDs and now I'm here. Im about a little over a week int my program,I still have trouble finding how to engage my diaphragm or even if I'm doing it right, I was a swimmer in high school so I can hold my breath and breath in water but i am unaware if it's the same concept. I also still have problems with tone but again this is only my 2nd week so I'm optimistic. I love rock music, old and new I love genres like Punk and Metal but I also love just straight hard rock. Some of my favorite bands are Green Day, Linkin Park, Skillet, My Chemical Romance, Sum 41, Breaking Benjamin, Bullet for my Valentine, Blink 182, A Day to Remember, Avenged Sevenfold, Get Scared, Black Veil Brides, We Came as Romans, Asking Alexandria, Three Days Grace (Before their new vocalist), All Time Low, Evanesance, Shinedown, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Hinder (before their new vocalist), Skid Row, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Dio, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Poison, Journey, Queen. I dream to one day be a musician and independent producer. Singing is a big step for me. I really want to learn and I'm afraid impatience will be a downfall so I'm trying to take things slow but not too slow. I'm looking forward to conversing and interacting with people on these forums and finding other people with the same dreams, interest and overall goals that I have. It's really exciting to me. It's a real pleasure to be here thanks everyone. Hit me up if you want to work on something together!
You're at an exciting time in your life! Full Sail, learning recording technology, and now getting serious about your voice. That's going to put you in a good position. Lots of recording engineers and producers have to work only through others. You'll be able to exchange Ideas with vocalists, and even join in or BE the vocalist.... Not a bad place to be!
This is a great program, and you'll learn a lot, and your voice will really grow. Be open to what Ken teaches, and really listen to what he says about tone and vocal sound. He knows what he's talking about. You have an opportunity to really grow some great vocal sound.
You have a lot of musical influences and that's going to give you a great jumping-off place for developing into your own voice a lot of the things that you like about some of your favorite artists!
Dig in, and don't let impatience cause you to go too fast or be discouraged. Good things take quality time and effort.
You're on your way! Nice to meet you. Looking forward to your progress!