Hi, I'm Steve from Ireland/Northern Ireland. I'd really appreciate it if any of you have feedback?

s.devlins.devlin Pro Posts: 2
edited November 2016 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hi all,
I started the lessons about 6 months ago and have only been spending maybe 30 mins a week at them tops. But i do feel that I have come along a good bit since starting them thank to Ken. I am the singer in a group along with an Irish rapper called Willy G. He raps the verses and I sing the choruses. I do feel as though I have a lot of improving to do yet as I do not have the range or the pitching I would like to have. Any feedback I could get would be hugely appreciated. Thanks :)

Here's a link to me before the lessons:

and here is me now:



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hi Steve! You have improved a lot, even with only 30 minutes a week. If you want to see even better improvements, try the recommended hour per day 5 or 6 days a week, and you'll be even happier with the results.

    Good job!

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