Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

Hi everyone! I am Leon Ael, from Venezuela.

Today has been the day 109 working and enjoing in "How to sing better than anyone else". I m venezuelan and since I watched the Ken's videos on youtube I had de objective to start the course. It was totally worth it. In almost 4 months I have achieved consistency in my voice, working almost 2 hours 6 days at week. I understand this is just the begining, but the gains obtained are very satisfactory. This has been the best way to get a apropriate technique for me. And I will keep working hard. Thanks Ken. Best regards to all the students. Let's Rock!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited November 2016
    Hi, LeonAel22!

    Good to hear this review from you and that the course is working well for you! You are right about this just being the beginning. If you keep working Ken's course, you will continue to have improvements and breakthroughs over time, for as long as you do the exercises and keep using the techniques. You will look back in a few months, and in a few years and realize that many changes have occurred and that your voice has grown beyond your expectations!

    Welcome to the forums!

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