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Livin' on a Prayer.

DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
Ok, so I was assigned the Lead singer for the talent show, so my class decided, ''Why don't we end our act with Livin' on a Prayer?'' so it is done , and I can't reach those G4'S and G#4's at rehearsal (We are doing the opening and the chorus) , so I just don't sing them. I try it here at home, I reach them but they are flat and strained. So can I get any tips? :pensive:


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    G4's and G#4's are high for a lot of singers, if they haven't trained for long enough to reach them. Don't strain to get there, that will make matters worse.

    Open your throat. Push down on your diaphragm when you sing high notes. You will most likely need to modify your vowels, starting around D or Eb4.
  • TommyMTommyM Pro Posts: 270
    Tough track to tackle! Have you thought of maybe asking them to change the key to suit your range, or even tuning down their instruments?

    I'd maybe even just try to blag it by pointing the microphone at the audience on the highest bits since it's a song everyone knows, so play it off as a singalong performance...hahaha!

    I'm sure you'll find some useful advice on here for actually improving vocally, good luck with the show.
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