Hello, everyone!

Hello, everyone! I'm Timi, an 18-year old guy who finally succeeded at buying Ken Tamplin's program. Ken probably recognizes me, the user Goodguitarsolos on Youtube (that guy with rants and various vocal videos and compilations), the guy who often comments his videos.
I'm hoping to learn radically when it comes to the technical department of singing. Anyway, that's enough of rambling, for now! I'm really hoping that this community turns out to be as awesome as I'm expecting it to be. So far, all the posts found on the forum I've read have been pretty awesome.
Voice type: High baritone
Vocal influences: SO MANY of them, but my biggest influences include Michael Bolton, Mike Patton, Graham Bonnet, Chris Cornell, Richie Sambora, Freddie Mercury, Layne Staley and Paul Stanley...
Here's a clip of me singing "I Started a Joke", with Mike Patton's vocal phrasing.
Honesty is appreciated, I'm really willing to learn as much as I can!
I'm hoping to learn radically when it comes to the technical department of singing. Anyway, that's enough of rambling, for now! I'm really hoping that this community turns out to be as awesome as I'm expecting it to be. So far, all the posts found on the forum I've read have been pretty awesome.
Voice type: High baritone
Vocal influences: SO MANY of them, but my biggest influences include Michael Bolton, Mike Patton, Graham Bonnet, Chris Cornell, Richie Sambora, Freddie Mercury, Layne Staley and Paul Stanley...
Here's a clip of me singing "I Started a Joke", with Mike Patton's vocal phrasing.

Honesty is appreciated, I'm really willing to learn as much as I can!
Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
Nice demo, TImi.
You've come to the right place. Your KTVA training will bring out all of the best in your voice and more than you ever expected! Welcome!
Kuulostaa pirun hyvältä pohjalta lähtee parantaa mitä kuuntelin noita sun youtuben covereita myös. Pistän seurantaan sun Tuubin ja progression täällä. Kiva nähdä muitakin suomalaisii jotka tajuu et miten oikein opetellaan hoilaan
Translation: (because here's few english natives also on this forum:)
Sound freaking good base to start improve singing as I listened your covers from youtube. Gonna follow your YT-channel and progression here also. Nice to see other finns too whom understand how to properly learn to sing.
(English from now on!)
Thanks for the comment, I love seeing other Finns on the board too! (I only knew one Finn who worked with this method before you, Olli, was it? He was featured on Ken's video, too) Anyway, thanks for the following, I'll do the same to you, to hear your progress.