Cover Songs by Everdrone (Constructive Criticism please anyone?)

I would like constructive criticism from anyone please. Im just gonna post my cover songs here so I do not saturate the "Post Your Demos and Videos" thread.
I finished my cover of Interstate Love song just now,
by Stone Temple Pilots:
I finished my cover of Interstate Love song just now,
by Stone Temple Pilots:

These sound good. You're consistent, supported, and on pitch. You're comfortable singing just about whatever you want to do.
Nice work.
My band work just keeps on steadily cranking. We have done hundreds of gigs together. I got a new digital mixing console recently, and have been getting ready to take it out on it's maiden flight, live, onstage. I've been running the sound from a Mackie 24/4 for the past several years. Now I'll be jumping over to a Behringer X32.
I was a little leary of Behringer, because they're known for making inexpensive equipment, but I've had my eye on the Midas M32 for a long time. When I found out the the same company owns both Midas and Behringer now, and that the X32 is the same exact mixer as the M32, software, features, preamps, and all, I realized that it would be crazy to spend an extra $2500 just for the nameplate. If you look at the schematics for the X32 and the M32, they are exactly the same, except one starts with an X and the other starts with an M. The motorized faders are a bit faster/better on the Midas, but not worth $2500 more for my wallet...
So I've had my X32 set up in my music room with my mains and monitors, and got all the routing worked out and channels set up. It goes to the club this week. Should be fun.
I visited my brother in Carson City a few months ago, and he had a Behringer X-18 Air. It's a little box the size of a shoe box. The shoe box is a stage box with 18 inputs on it, and you do all the mixing on an Ipad.
It's virtually the same as an X32 mixer, onscreen with the ipad. I fooled around with it a little bit at my brother's house, and was sold. I'm just not ready to get rid of all of the physical faders and keep that straight while I play drums. So I got the full console.
My brother is a drummer (like me), but also works with a sound company. They recently got an M32 for their commercial concert sound system, replacing a huge, 40-channel, big-name mixing console AND a big rack of effects. They were blown away by how much better their line arrays sounded with the digial M32 and its built-in effects.
The X32 is essentially an M32 in a different box, and about $2500 less.
I'm using all QSC K12 and K8 mains and monitor speakers with a K18 sub.
It's kind of a compact, High-Definition sound system, and I'm expecting the X32 to have the same kind of impact on my system as it did on my brother's line array.
I just love it when we sound like a CD playing on a high-end sound system.
Behringer X32? wow, killer! and mixing with the ipad seems interesting too. I dig your choice in gear! I have a mixer and three 18" powered monitors and a voicelive3, I have not used them much so I am looking forward to using them as much as possible. Cheers
ya the guitarist slays that song, I hear that he has good fundamentals and techniques for many more :-)
Keep it up. I often tell people to fake it till you make it. I think you've made it! Don't stop!