Hi from the UK

Hi folks, my name is Keith and I am from the Uk and I am in my mid 30's. I have had some experience singing in backing bands and I always wanted to sing from being a really young age. I suffered massively from a lack in confidence and as a result developed and eating disorder and put on a lot of weight. I had been looking at Ken's Vocal lessons to try and help me regain some of that confidence in my singing again and it was only this year for Christmas that my wife finally pushed me to do it.
So here I am learning to sing again and hopefully I can make it more than just a hobby I do every day. I am even thinking about documenting the whole process of me learning with progress updates on my Youtube channel to see how much I can improve over the whole course of materials.
I look forward to chatting and learning with you all
So here I am learning to sing again and hopefully I can make it more than just a hobby I do every day. I am even thinking about documenting the whole process of me learning with progress updates on my Youtube channel to see how much I can improve over the whole course of materials.
I look forward to chatting and learning with you all

If you follow Ken's instructions and do what he says, practicing regularly, your voice WILL improve and that would be a good, solid reason to start having more confidence in your ability to sing and sound good.
His methods DO work, and they will work for you if you implement them. We'll be glad to help you get going so that you can pick yourself up by your own bootstraps and start Rockin' or R and B'in' or whatever style floats your boat.
Kudos to your wife for supporting you and helping you to go for this. You can do it if you want it badly enough (or goodly, as the case may be) :^)
There are lots of students here that have similar stories who are becoming more confident as they walk their own journeys. This is a journey you are starting that will last you the rest of your singing life. Your voice will keep growing for as long as you continue working Ken's program. Some results happen fairly fast, and others require time and growth, which will continue for a long time.
All the Best!
If you keep concentrated on the workouts, you will be forever grateful to your wife for pushing you into the KTVA programme
There is a LOT to learn, really focus on what Ken tells you in every single video/audio fragment.
Good luck!