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Michael Kiske/Geoff Tate sound?

Hey there!
So after a whole year of following kens programme I'm nowadays pretty strong in my upper register.
However my technique doesn't seem to be exactly the same as kens.
When I'm singing actual songs and also our own band songs I seem to sound more and more like a young Michael Kiske/Geoff Tate, it feels good, it works, I'm not getting hoarse, I got immense upper register power while still having alot of chestier sound up to c5.
My question here is.... Is it just my voice?
I do everything as good as possible to follow kens steps and I'm pretty sure I'm not doing ALOT wrong.
But since Geoff Tate lost his voice (Kiske didn't, but he's also younger) I'm a bit scared if I might do something bad to my voice.
Back when I was writing about my newly found mixed voice, earlier last year, I started to develop this sound while also writing own songs.

It feels like sitting on top of my voice and I can use my air much more precise as before, it's giving me freedom within my voice, but also scares the shit out of me, losing it.

Funny thing is, I share the exact same Vocal Range with Kiske


Should I keep training that part of my voice, or set back and learn to sing in a chestier approach?
We will make our first recordings this year, that's why I'm eager to find my own voice, which I hope is the one I'm using now.



  • TheDentistTheDentist Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 5
    edited January 2017
    Hi there, I've just bought the program a few weeks ago and joined the forum and I had pretty much exactly the same question!

    I also have a Tate style of voice and my question is: can anyone get a rasp in their voice or are there some people who just anatomically cannot do this?

    I'd love to get my voice sounding more like Russell Allen of Symphony X but I do wonder if his voice just always sounded like that right from the start.

    I find it hard to imagine Geoff Tate or Michael Kiske managing to sing with any hoarseness.

    This sounds like a negative post but it isn't, I'm full on in the program and improving already. If I manage to get rasp or not I'm going to keep going.

    Love to get some seasoned contributors views on this topic though!
  • DarioliciousDariolicious Pro Posts: 68
    Hey, so from my experience about my voice.
    Actually my voice for now is shifting all over, I can decide how I want to sound, I could do a Geoff Tate impression, but also could sing like Jack Black for example...
    Rasp is something that will need alot of foundation, I'm not a dirty singer, I have a natural slight rasp in some notes, which I don't have alot of control of, since it just is my voice.
    If you want it, I think you will be able to develop such rasp, but don't expect to sound exactly like your role model.
    I'd recommend to focus on your personal voice, record yourself, take the things of singers you like and fuse them into your voice, for me as of now it's working just fine, my band will soon be recording its first EP and my voice is growing stronger and stronger.

    I'm far from being a pro, it's just the experience I made over the last year of training and doubting^^
    I think anyone can learn how to sing, how he wants to, for some it just takes more time and dedication!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    The whole thing about distortion is that you can learn safe techniques for it. If you just "go into distortion" by actually overdriving your voice, you will lose it.

    The distortion Ken teaches is an illusion that is a safe, but convincing re-presentation of the sound of actual Kill-your-vocal-cords distortion. Actual destructive distortion is very bad for your vocal cords and you cannot maintain a singing voice for an entire career if you choose to do that. Overdriving the vocal cords with air pressure until they physically cannot phonate clearly is simply an abuse of the vocal cords.

    On the other hand, simulated distortion can be done at lower volume than normal, clear vocal singing. It's an illusion. It sounds just as good and gnarly, and you can do it well beyond your 60's if you learn to do it safely.

    You have to work your way through the program to get to the instructions for this, because so many are so eager to learn to do it that they skip past all of the foundational material and physical changes they need to go through, and then have no basis upon which to apply these techniques. You need that Strong Foundation to apply these methods.
  • ovenwolvovenwolv Enrolled Posts: 38
    @Dariolicious - Just use your own voice, unless you can sing like Michael Kiske, then always sing like Michael Kiske. He's getting ready to tour with Helloween for a reunion, btw.
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