Need a "vocal type" evaluation- just a simple Lah scale
Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 47
Hello, all. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this- I'm not sure where to post it. I need someone who has experience and knows what a baritone, high barri, tenor, etc is so I can be evaluated for a vocal type. I seriously have no clue. My lowest note is D3 (I have hit a C#2 before, but D3 every time) and my highest has been around a D#5/E5 so far without using falsetto. I am posting a link of myself just doing a very rushed Lah scale starting at A3, I think. I had to rush this before the neighbors got home and heard my big mouth. I wanted to know this info because I have what I think is a deep voice, but seem to be able to hit higher notes after using Ken's teaching after 1 1/2 months of practicing. Sorry the mp3 sounds so rushed- it is rushed- I rushed the scales and I had no warm up either, my appologies. Thanks.
What you "are" is a singer. Which specific "type" of vocal fach you "are" is kind of superfluous. Here, we want to take you out of the box, not put you in one.
Let's say you're a baritone. Why? Because you can hit low notes that few "tenors" can hit, because their voices are limited when it comes to lower tones. But you're singing well into the tenor range up top.
The inconsistencies in your voice will improve to the point of going away if you can get a better handle on your support. You're oversinging in order to get to those higher notes.
Learning to throttle-back, or "govern" your volume and tone will help you to prevent oversinging, and help you to preserve your voice for years to come, if you pay attention to what Ken will be telling you to do in the lessons, and if you actually implement those techniques.
You'll learn that those notes will be easier to get to if you can reduce the size and volume by cutting back the air and the tone as you go higher.
Having a range that exceeds the normal limitations that put on this voice type or that type is a good thing. No need to be confined to one type or another.
When someone asks me what my voice type is, I like to tell them I'm a Baritenor. Because I can sing low baritone notes with rich, deep tone, and I can sing up into the tenor range with reduced girth. I can sing as high as most tenors I know.
So I recommend that you "be" a baritenor. That way, you can see the look of astonishment when you answer that question, like I see so often.
Don't be a stranger. There are lots of us here, working our way through the same things you are. Some who have been at it a while longer, some not as long as you. We're all in this together, just at different stages of the process.
All the best!
The longer you keep working this program, the better you are going to get. The patience part is one of the hardest to swallow, but it pays. Some good things in life just take time to develop.
You'll learn to finesse your way up to those higher notes with a lot less effort, and people in the audience will be looking at each other going "Wasn't he just sounding like Johnny Cash? How is he sounding Kinda like Sting now?"
You don't need to be a slave to the labels the rest of the world puts on vocalists. You just need to develop your voice to be everything that you are capable of growing and adapting it into.