me singing James Arthur's Say You Won't Let Go - need feedback

Hey there dear forum dwellers! I've been trying to learn to sing for years now, and I'd like you guys to assess my progress like professionals you are) high notes in this songs are really hard for me to sing, i guess you'll be able to see that


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    This sounds pretty good. You could make it a bit brighter, as a whole. The high notes need more diaphragmatic breath support to give them more consisitency. The falsetto could be less airy. You're slurring the words, but I kind of like it as a stylistic thing.

    Nice job.

  • abda2405abda2405 Member Posts: 4
    > @highmtn said:
    > This sounds pretty good. You could make it a bit brighter, as a whole. The high notes need more diaphragmatic breath support to give them more consisitency. The falsetto could be less airy. You're slurring the words, but I kind of like it as a stylistic thing.
    > Nice job.
    > Bob

    Omg is that you videoherebob?)) I see your comments under every singing video, I even told you that if you remember!
  • abda2405abda2405 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2017
    As for diaphragmatic support - I have tried so hard to grasp the idea and to somehow feel any support coming from my abdomen area but alas I don't feel any connection.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    No, videoherebob is a friend of ours. I'm highmtn Bob. I've been here for quite some time, but I really don't care for all of the acrimony on that other site.

    Yes, as to diaphragmatic support, we have entire pages upon pages about it in the student sections of the forums here, and still many struggle to "get it". It's incredibly important, yet incredibly fleeting to try to describe in words. KTVA does its best to walk students through it.

    It seems that just about every person needs a whole selection of descriptions before they find one that has their "magic" key that unlocks it for them. That's one huge collection of proprietary info that is reserved for students.

    other Bob
  • abda2405abda2405 Member Posts: 4
    Other Bob ahah))) you, I like you! You'll be fun Bob)) thanks for the info!
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