Bon jovi_ cover

Whats up Singers,
I hope I did all this right with sound cloud. If I didn't perhaps some good advice as to the how/ could be summoned. Anyway, I've had the coarse for a month or so and have only been able to work it for 2_weeks. School, life__bla, bla. But wanted to get feedback with where I am so far. hope it works.
: never-say-goodbye-b-jovi-cover
Jimi Wayne
I hope I did all this right with sound cloud. If I didn't perhaps some good advice as to the how/ could be summoned. Anyway, I've had the coarse for a month or so and have only been able to work it for 2_weeks. School, life__bla, bla. But wanted to get feedback with where I am so far. hope it works.
: never-say-goodbye-b-jovi-cover
Jimi Wayne
Jimiwayne sent this to us offline and we responded. I encouraged him to post on the forum so that all could benefit from his learning experience, and he agreed and said it was OK to post the exchange on the forum. I'm clumsy with the editor, so the messages below may be messy, but please forgive me if that is the case. Rayhan or Scott may be able to clean it up a bit better than me. Anyway, the following posts with double headers will be our exchange off-line. I would do this in one Copy/Paste, but the editor tells me it exceeds the limit by 3,763 characters, so I'll try to do it in chunks.
Everyone can learn from one another's demos and we all benefit from the experience. Bob
I agree with Scott's comments. The pitch at 1:18 is incorrect, but at ths same part of the song the next two times it sounded much better. Ask yourself what you were doing and thinking differently at those different places of the same part of the song. You have a good voice to work with. Support is going to be something that can help your voice to blossom and develop. We all need to improve our support and that includes me. I'd like to hear a little more brightness from your voice.
As I've stated on the forum, I am a big fan of Too Much Reverb, however I would like to hear your direct voice clearer, at least on one side of the stereo spectrum. That would help on tracks you want evaluated, so we can pick your vocal out of the wash and give you better tips. Also, the very long delay (sounds like about a One-Second delay almost) doesn't help. It's so long after the original sound that it only contributes confusion and mud, it doesn't really reinforce your voice like a shorter delay might. Again, I would suggest using this effect only sparingly. We like effects to help smooth out the blemishes in our voices, but when asking for evaluations, we should be sure that the listener can hear our actual voice clearly enough through the mix to give us worthwhile pointers.
You are wise to record yourself and to ask for evaluations. Don't be afraid to put it on the main forum where others going through the same things can hear and benefit from your learning experience. It helps to encourage others to put up their own demos, which is helpful to all.
Keep recording yourself and listen very closely to the playback. Be honest with yourself and sometimes turn off all of the reverb and echo and make sure you are not masking any pitch issues. You can do this privately for your own feedback, and it will open your eyes. I find that when I do this, it gives me a reality check that I need from time-to-time.
Keep working. You have much to work with, and there is a universe of improvement we all can bring into our voices. This program is the route to that betterment.
Jimi Wayne