
rlafrentzrlafrentz Enrolled Posts: 1
edited July 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF

He everyone, I purchased the KTVA program yesterday and watched the first two lessons.

I was amazed with the diaphragmatic breathing and started working on it before band practice.

Band practice was 3 hours, we went through our set list because we have a show on Saturday the 28th.

I have been in the band for almost 2 years as the singer and have been struggling with my voice cracking and my throat tensing when trying to sing high notes.  That changed a lot for me at practice last night.

I am very happy I purchased the KTVA lessons. I heard such a difference at practice. My voice only crack slightly on the high parts in Journey Separate ways and the normal tone stuff like Judas Priest breaking the law and Seether Gasoline were a breeze.

I will continue with the Lessons Ken. I would like to thank you for putting this out there for people to learn the right way.

I have also used another guys lessons but it didn’t add an octave to my voice.  Without naming names I think Ken will know who I am talking about. I thought it had some good info but not everything I needed. Breathing properly is very important.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Welcome to the KTVA program and to the forums.  You've only scratched the surface of how much your voice is going to grow!  Dig in and really pay attention to the instructions and do your workouts dilligently!

    It will pay off again and again!


  • GuevaraGuevara Enrolled Posts: 140
    Hi rlafrentz.

    Welcome on board. Sounds like KTVA is going to be the right program for you. 

    You'll be amazed at the small adjustments you can make to your existing technique to instantly improve your sound. Then as you work methodically and consistently through the exercises your voice will really start to grow. 

    Any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask. There will be someone here who will be able to help. 
  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    Welcome rlafrentz!

    Like what Bob said, what you have seen is merely the tip of the iceberg! Though do remember that rome wasn't built in a day! You can see results in 2- 3 months or even after a few weeks! But to be the best of the best that you can be... we all have to take it at our own pace and it may take some time but never give up!!

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