Hi from Oceanside, CA

Hello everyone in KTVA Land!!! Shamii here (that's shaw' • me...lol)

I'm really looking forward to getting started on this, it's been a life's dream for me to sing and/or vocalize in a "meaningful" way and it looks like Ken might just be able to make it happen. (or at the very least, make it interesting for me).

A little background data for everyone's "pleasure" (and in case it helps when I post stupid questions - and boy will I...d0h¡):

I've had a few vocal lessons in the past but didn't get too far. I love "good" music. ANY kind. I play some guitar & bass, I can play some chords and melodies on the keys (but don't ask me to jam), I "DJ" (just like everyone, right? :smiley: ), and I have a more-than-rudimentary understanding of synthesis and sound design. I'm familiar with basic music theory, which I've been able to apply to several genres and styles with varying degrees of success. I also worked for M-Audio / Avid / Digidesign for several years and have a fairly extensive knowledge of live and recording technology—including Pro Tools, Ableton Live and Logic—which gives me a nice foundation when it comes to the tools of sonic creativity.

(takes big long gasp - with too much chest and not enough diaphragm)

So far my only real question is: does anybody have a list of "easy"/"beginner" songs to practice to. And should I even be worrying about that at this early stage? (bowie*, bauhaus, beatles, depeche mode, stones, sex pistols, cure, echo and the bunnymen, carpenters, frank sinatra, prince, guns & roses, faith no more*, beach boys, dylan, ministry... ....you get the idea - i like a significant range of styles...silly wabbit)

yeah, that's pretty much it. can't wait to engage this community



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hi, @shamii!

    For songs, you should just pick whatever floats your boat and is within your present range. Actually, in the beginning, you'll need to learn all of the tools that will come into play when later. Right now, you'll need to learn the techniques that you'll be using in songs in the future.

    Songs, when sung well, are comprised of all of the things you'll be learning from Ken's course. First you have to get a good grasp of all of those foundational elements, and THEN you'll start applying those things into songs. At that point, you'll start sounding better than ever before. Right now you need to get to know your voice a little better and start building it into something it has probably never been before.

    Don't worry. You're going to like how it turns out.


  • shamiishamii Pro Posts: 11
    thanks @highmtn ...really appreciating all the info and community interaction - one of the most useful and active forums I've been on and I've been on my fair share ;)
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