The song Gethsemane from Jesus Christ Superstar...........

Hi Ken I've just been cast in a semi professional production of Andrew Loyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar. I have been cast as Jesus ( i was suprised because i lack the beard and long hair lol). This was the best version I could find of Jesus's standout song Gethsemane, I was just wondering what you opinion was on his very highest notes as i can reach these, and they are strong but i want to put a beefier chest sounding voice as I feel his highest notes in this video have a lighter sound to them. To give more chest in the voice shall I cut as much air as possible using glottal compression ? - A thought also occured to me Ken that you would be fantastic in the role of jesus! not only do u have the fantastic voice to pull off all the songs but u also have the look. Did musicals particularly Jesus Christ Superstar ever interest you? all the best Ken

I don't know if you've seen this but this is the best version of that song I've ever heard. Sorry I'm not the right person to answer your questions though. But I've heard a couple of the songs you posted and I can imagine your voice is well suited for the part.
volothampen's video is definitely an incredible rendition of this song. Punchier and chestier than the first video. Not an easy song to perform by any means.
Ken could wail on this, and he already has the hair.
If you're looking for a chesty-belt sounding version of Gethsemane, John Farnham did an interesting version. He sounds pretty chesty the whole way through, though I think he's deliberately taken out some of the highest head-voice screams.