Hello! Newbie coming through!

Hi my name is Ernesto, my friends call me Roze (pronounced like the flower). I'm a working actor in NY. I've been a musician since I was 12 (drums) and while being in a band for most of my life, I learned a little acoustic guitar and some piano....SOME piano! I always sang back up and on demos for songs that I've written, but never had a chance to be professionally trained. Now as an actor, my manager wants me to go out for broadway and my old band is getting together for our 20 year reunion and I need to be in tip top shape. I'm an ok singer, but my throat closes a lot and I get winded and can't hold a note. My vibrato likes to show when it wants, not when I ask. LOL! And being an actor, I can mimic voices but haven't been able to find my own yet. Unless it's the one I hear in the shower, in which case, I'm glad I got on board with the Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy.
Good to hear from you. You will find that Ken's course gives you a solid foundation upon which to grow your voice!
Fasten your seat belt, and prepare to grow!