
I originally purchased the pro bundle. I believe it was Dec. 2014 for $399. I really should have bought the Gold bundle that is offered now for $884. At the time, I am not sure if there was a Gold Bundle available. I just don't remember but if it was I think I probably just didn't know how real this program really is & I was being cautious!
Later that summer, in July, 2015, after I bought the pro bundle, I also bought a 1 hour long lesson in Orange Co. for $300. and had the privilege to meet Ken Tamplin. I had not really used the CD's much at all when I took that lesson. I think I probably jumped the gun a bit taking that first lesson when I did. Never the less, it was quite exciting to meet him and experience what I know now was an hour with a fabulous teacher & creator of KTVA.
This is my question. Is it possible to upgrade, at this point, to the Gold Bundle? That bundle would have given me such a great deal on 3 lessons which I could have done via Skype or driven to O.C. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't know enough to do that at the beginning.
Later that summer, in July, 2015, after I bought the pro bundle, I also bought a 1 hour long lesson in Orange Co. for $300. and had the privilege to meet Ken Tamplin. I had not really used the CD's much at all when I took that lesson. I think I probably jumped the gun a bit taking that first lesson when I did. Never the less, it was quite exciting to meet him and experience what I know now was an hour with a fabulous teacher & creator of KTVA.
This is my question. Is it possible to upgrade, at this point, to the Gold Bundle? That bundle would have given me such a great deal on 3 lessons which I could have done via Skype or driven to O.C. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't know enough to do that at the beginning.
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032
I don't know of any ability to upgrade to the Gold Bundle.
It really is a good deal for anyone who is planning on taking some webcams. The webcams are discounted and the program is essentially free, when you purchase that bundle.
You can always write to ktvahelp@gmail.com and ask if there is such a possibility, but honestly, I haven't ever heard of that happening.
You can purchase 4-packs of lessons at a discounted rate.
I paid more than what you paid, before the existence of the Pro Packs.
I still feel like it was the best money I ever spent on myself. I would have paid twice what I paid and still felt it was worth it, knowing now how well KTVA works, and after spending a lot of money on programs that didn't work at all.
It's interesting that as I have been watching various videos on this site & YouTube & doing my daily exercises, somewhere in the last 2 weeks, the realization hit me almost, literally, like a lightening bolt that now, at least it's possible, if I work really hard, to see those types of transformations in my own voice. Up till now, throughout my entire effort to become a good singer, because no lessons or CD program or books etc have ever actually made a noticeable improvement, I never really believed I could ever be any better than I am right now. Those feelings have been so incredibly disappointing & at times have caused me to question why I even continue. Now, however, every single morning when I wake up my very first thought is, I HAVE to work on this today. I can't slack off or miss a day of this incredible opportunity! It is the most hopeful and optimistic anticipation. With every step, every scale, every breath I feel more determined to prove this will work for me too. I can hardly describe it & I am believing in my heart that it's really true.
I will say this. I was looking on the website and noticed the Master's Singing Program!!!!! Wow. Would that ever be something.
For now, it's back to the exercises!
Thank you, @highmtn for your answer.
Happy singing, both of you!