Home Booking Webcams with Ken Tamplin


CherieCherie Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 120
I originally purchased the pro bundle. I believe it was Dec. 2014 for $399. I really should have bought the Gold bundle that is offered now for $884. At the time, I am not sure if there was a Gold Bundle available. I just don't remember but if it was I think I probably just didn't know how real this program really is & I was being cautious!

Later that summer, in July, 2015, after I bought the pro bundle, I also bought a 1 hour long lesson in Orange Co. for $300. and had the privilege to meet Ken Tamplin. I had not really used the CD's much at all when I took that lesson. I think I probably jumped the gun a bit taking that first lesson when I did. Never the less, it was quite exciting to meet him and experience what I know now was an hour with a fabulous teacher & creator of KTVA.

This is my question. Is it possible to upgrade, at this point, to the Gold Bundle? That bundle would have given me such a great deal on 3 lessons which I could have done via Skype or driven to O.C. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't know enough to do that at the beginning.

Best Answer


  • CherieCherie Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 120
    I searched the website and couldn't find anything either. I'll email to ask. I'm extremely happy with my pro pack even though I have not yet moved past or even listened to anything past vol 1. I plan to stay where I am and really try to nail down what I need to do now. I would love to get individual lessons but right now I am guessing it may be just as well for me to wait awhile & concentrate on the beginning fundamentals for 4-6mos., then look at the possibility of some lessons.

    It's interesting that as I have been watching various videos on this site & YouTube & doing my daily exercises, somewhere in the last 2 weeks, the realization hit me almost, literally, like a lightening bolt that now, at least it's possible, if I work really hard, to see those types of transformations in my own voice. Up till now, throughout my entire effort to become a good singer, because no lessons or CD program or books etc have ever actually made a noticeable improvement, I never really believed I could ever be any better than I am right now. Those feelings have been so incredibly disappointing & at times have caused me to question why I even continue. Now, however, every single morning when I wake up my very first thought is, I HAVE to work on this today. I can't slack off or miss a day of this incredible opportunity! It is the most hopeful and optimistic anticipation. With every step, every scale, every breath I feel more determined to prove this will work for me too. I can hardly describe it & I am believing in my heart that it's really true.

    I will say this. I was looking on the website and noticed the Master's Singing Program!!!!! Wow. Would that ever be something.

    For now, it's back to the exercises!

    Cherie :smile:
  • MatsyMatsy Pro Posts: 166
    Slightly off-topic... I feel the same way. I wake up every morning and all I want to do is get to work on the voice and sing. I had to force myself to take a day off the other day and it was horrible.
  • ChristiaanChristiaan Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 9
    Hi @Cherie, I am new here and I recognized the situation of your question. I just started on Volume 1 (Pro), and I would have bought the Gold Pack too — if my finances would have allowed it. I would also love to have a few sessions with Ken in the future, but right now I didn’t have the money while I did want to start following the course, so… I went for the course first.

    Thank you, @highmtn for your answer.

    Happy singing, both of you! =)
  • KaiEllisKaiEllis Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 215
    @Matsy Seriously!!! It's like oh hey I've got a free hour, that's enough time to do Volume 2 AND practice a couple of songs, here i go!!!
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