Hello, im Deyan from Bulgaria and i love beatbox!

I think my nickname should be DeYan... its my actual name but with big Y. Anyways... feels nice being part of a whole community, commited to the art of music, right? I started beatboxing since i was 7... im 17 now. I have nearly mastered it. Im a boy from Bulgaria and recently i fired up my passion for music. I've always been an artist... recently i started taking drawing lessons and i improved a lot for 4 months. I hope for the same with Ken Tamplin's guiding. I sing since im 12, but i didnt like it so much at the beggining... Recently (like a year and a half ago) i found Ed Sheeran and i loved many of his songs. He inspired me to start seriously with singing and guitar playing... okay its not only him... also one girl that rejected me... anyways... i LOVE music which means i love singing too. I look forward to be famous. I write my own songs... i have like 3 finished and around 10 unfinished. People like them but i dont like them very much because of my voice. Thats the reason i started that course. I wanna sound better and have better range. I look forward to combine great vocals with great beatbox and guitar. Soon i may post some of my work so you can give me competent opinions and objective critics. I really want to be a master of music, but i dont know the notes yet :S
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
So I can't wait to hear about how well you are doing!
> Hi DeYan. Welcome, we look forward to hearing about your progress. In only a few weeks my range began to improve. Now some notes that I never knew how to reach are within my grasp.
> So I can't wait to hear about how well you are doing!
>Hey, Matsy, thats very nice! I should upload some videos soon and will post them here. I can't wait to see your work too, my friend! We can inspire each other. Let's rock our voices!!! I also felt a little improvement in my pitch and I hit some high notes easier than I did before. And I did just 2 workouts for now. Can't wait to see what happens after 6 months of working out...
I don't believe in talent... I believe in hard work.